Calendar Our Adventures

Sport day

Nádherný slnečný deň sme využili a spoločne sme ho oslávili športom. Zdolali sme rôzne úlohy, zašportovali si a hlavne utužili naše kamarátstva. Všetci sme sa stali víťazmi. :)/ Beautiful sunny day we celebrated with sport activities. We had many different challenges but most importantly, our friendships are stronger and better. We all are winners. :)

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Giraffes in Kamenný mlyn

Children from the Giraffes classes went for a trip to Kamenný mlyn. We saw farm animals, we talked about how to take care of them, and we also talked about separating rubbish and recycling...

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Easter workshop

During Easter workshop we enjoyed great atmosphere. Together with our children and perents. we created some beautiful Easter decorations...

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Rest Home

Giraffes 3 visited Rest home in Hrnčiarovce nad Parnou to warm the hearts of grandmothers and grandfathers.

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Our first day

We were all looking forward to our first day at the kindergarten. our little vorries from the new kindergarten, friends and teachers gradually turned into a big joy from new dicoveries and adventures...

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Goodbye Party for Girraffes

During the Goodbye Party our future first-graders showed us all they have learned. Some of them were in our kindergarten for several years, some of them just for a while.

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