Two percent makes a difference when used for a good cause and idea.
Dear parents and friends of Schools BESST,
Thank you for your last year's decision to donate 2% of the tax paid to the civic association "MOJA ŠKOLA (MY SCHOOL)", which helps to improve material conditions and teaching in Schools BESST.
Thanks to your support, in the year 2023 we have obtained for our schools two interactive touch displays of the Optoma brand, a trampoline with steps and cover and 22 pieces of trapezoidal scholl desks for pupils.
We would like to remind you that also in the year 2024, under Act No. 595/2003 on Income Tax, as amended, you can decide for which purpose your 2% tax paid for the year 2023 will be used. Our civic association has been registered at the Notarial Central Register of designated legal entities – recipients of 2% of the share of tax paid for the year 2023.
We believe that with your support you will help with further equipment of our school. Thank you.
Procedure for Physical Persons, who make an annual income tax settlement for 2023 with their employer - How to donate the 2% of tax paid:
Please fill in the attached form;
Print it out;
Submit the form at the tax office together with the original tax receipt you received from your employer;
In order for us to have an overview of who supported the civic association, we would appreciate if you could submit the copy of the statement at our reception. Please, at the bottom part of your form, where is the following text: "I agree with sending the data (name, surname and permanent residence) to the selected recipient of the share of tax paid stated in Section II according to §50 article 8 of the Act." – mark "x".
You can download the form here.
Procedure for Legal Persons, who make a declaration of annual income tax settlement for 2023 donate the 2% of tax paid directly in the tax settlement:
Directly in the tax settlement in the section "Declaration on donating of the share of income tax paid", please fill in for OZ MOJA ŠKOLA (Civic association My School): Organizational identification number, legal form, name of the organization, amount in Euros;
I agree with sending the data to the selected recipient of the share of the tax paid according to § 50 paragraph 8 of the Act " – mark "x".
Information regarding the Civic association:
Name of the organization: MOJA ŠKOLA
Legal form: Civic association
Organizational identification no.: 42164401
Address: Limbová 6051/3, 91702 Trnava
IBAN: SK71 7500 0000 0040 1286 0444
Bank name: ČSOB, a.s.